Folks, you need to simmer down! You don’t need to go out to your car and grab your AK when you are told to wait 10 minutes for a damn pizza. Take a breath like normal people and calm the hell down. It’s a $10 pizza for Pete’s sake! The Tennessee man...
I have long thought that Magpul should stay out of the clothing business and focus on what they do best. Making high-quality firearm accessories. That being said, I am not a huge fan of the Magpul Ugly sweater. But…who am I? Back in 2018 Magpul decided to post...
You know your Kimber is a finely tuned precision instrument. You take it to the range and put rounds downrange with confidence knowing that you’re getting the best performance possible. What if I told you that shooting cheap ammo in your Kimber would affect its...
Like many hunters and shooters, we might have a gun safe. When you’re not using your gun, safes like these are made for specifically storing guns. They keep heirlooms or other valuables out of sight instead of keeping them in plain view for the taking if some...